6th Graders CAN Multiply
Dear friends and readers I have some wonderfully fantastic news. My girls increased their multiplication fact fluency from 18 percent measured on February 17th, to 88.3% (and yes....they deserve that dang .3 percent!!!) on Friday March 28th! As it stands now the boys have a final total of 64.6% (they also deserve the .6% āŗ ) I am so dang proud of them. All of them. Even the boys. hehehe It started in 2nd hour. 2 hour is my co-taught special education class. I have 37 girls in there 15 of them have ieps and 9 504 plans. Ironically the rest of the girls are all labeled GT. It is one of the most difficult sets of students that I have ever had to differentiate for! The girls came in on Friday ready to take the test...ready to kick the boys butts. I asked if they wanted me to explain the homework first or if they wanted to take the test. THEY ALL SAID TAKE THE TEST. Three minutes on the clock. Pencils up.... 3.....