Fractions decimals and percents

HI! I am actually Blogging! That is crazy. We are getting prepared for a huge sale on TPT and So I thought I would let you know a little more in detail about one of my newest products. My students LOVED this activity. I went to the store and bought "Fun Sized" bags of a very popular brand name candy coated chocolate candy. (If you look at the pictures you can probably figure out what it is :)) I also bought a bag of the "Mini" version of this particular candy! Then I snagged a box of Dixie cups. The idea of this activity is that students are to find the fraction/decimal/percent of each color in the bag of "Fun Sized" and the fraction/decimal/percent of the "Mini" versions. THEN. Here is the kicker...they are to compare them to one another! OH ingenious. Many of my students were really confused on comparing .25 to 1/4. Having the visuals of the candies helped them to grasp this concept!!! Score! ...