Midwest Teacher Blogger Meet Up.

Lindsey from Thriving In Third and I are SOOOOOO stinking excited to announce that we FINALLY locked down a location for the Midwest Teacher Blogger Meet Up. 

While I would like to formally apologize for the delay in letting out information I will be completely transparent with you.

Because we had so many drop outs and adds, then drop outs then adds, it was very difficult to find a space that would accommodate 15 people, then 56, then 20, then 26, then 35 people. Please understand that while I (Jameson) tried my hardest to find a location IN Shaumburg as we had initially planned, We had to move the meet up just 15 minutes north.  I am Staying in Shaumburg and willing to drive anyone with out a ride. 

Ok Here it is!

I am very excited to announce that we are hosting our event at Lakeshore Learning in Palatine Il.  What better place to host a teacher blogger event than in a teacher store!  Lindsey and I have got some great donations lined up for goodie bags and fabulous door prizes.

We are also hosting a "Favorite Things" swap.  Please bring three of your favorite teacher "things" unwrapped.  These things should be less than 5$.  This can be anything from post it notes, to sharpies.  Flair pens, to nail polish.  Vitamins to granola bars!  Be creative!  We will be swapping through out the event so you will go home with THREE NEW FAVORITES! 

Our event is piggy backing on a pretty major event that is happening at Lakeshore Learning on the same day.  

Read for The Record will be taking place from 11am to 3pm.  This is a celebrity endorsed event where a WORLD RECORD will be broken by having the largest simultaneous reading of one book.  This year the book is:

Turn the page to kindergarten success. 
Jumpstart’s premiere national campaign, Read for the Recordmobilizes millions of children and adults to celebrate literacy by participating in the largest shared reading experience. 
On October 21, 2014, people across the country will unite to read the children’s book Bunny Cakes, a comical story of sibling bonding and birthday shenanigans, by bestselling author and illustrator Rosemary Wells, in support of Jumpstart’s mission: to work toward the day every child in America enters kindergarten prepared to succeed. 
We are all welcome to join this amazing event and be a small part of history.  HEY not many people can say they have been a part of a world record!
Also I heard the Mayor might be there. :)
FINALLY, this is very important. As seats are limited we have a count that we have to stick to. We apologize about this inconvenience but we were not able to nail down a restaurant due to finicky numbers of attendance.  You MUST BE ON THE LIST OF INVITES ON THE MID WEST BLOGGER MEET UP ON FACEBOOK.  We will let you know of openings as they become available.  

In order to pay for everything that is going out that was not donated we are asking that each attendee chip in 15$.  Please email me if this is going to be an issue, we will discuss.  Please click the link here: PAY PAL
or click the button here:

To pay your 15 dollar convenience fee.  This fee is going to provide space,food, drink, prizes.  We thank you in advance for your cooperation on this. 

This fee is what holds your seat at the event.

We will announce on the Midwest Blogger Get Together Facebook page if there are any open seats late in the game. 

Thanks so much!  We look forward to seeing you there!


  1. You guys rock! Sara, Molly, and I are so geeky excited we might be closer to annoying our co-workers!!! Thanks for everything:) We are bringing 2 donation baskets/gifts!

  2. Yay! I'm signed up and paid up! Kayla, Lindsey, Katie, and I are also sooooo excited to be making the 10 hour drive to join in this event!!!!
    Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners

  3. Aw man!! I just saw this info and I live so close to Schaumburg! Have a great time, and if there is any way that a last minute spot opens up, I would love to fill it! I shop at that lakeshore location all the time!! Enjoy your time in the Chicago suburbs! :)


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