Fly On a Math Teachers Wall - Place Value

Even good math students enter my room with a misunderstanding of place value. I honestly have still not found out what ALL the misconseptions are. Often times I find that the littlest explaination is all they need. "hey the numbers to the right of the decimal represent the parts, to the left you will find the whole" Sometimes students need for it to connect to thier own understanding of the place values... "Hey, having $0.34 is a lot different than having $3.40 right?" Students may be able to correctly name the place-value columns, but they often do not understand the significance the name, the value or the operation that is done to get to that value. For-example, they can not give amathematical explanatino fo why regrouping works....or why we "add the zero" when multiplying larger numbers. Unfortunently with the MANY standards we are all faced with, when I start talking about conversions of rational numbers, or manipulating the...