May Currently

Holy Crap.  I am out of the loop.

Well I made it under 250!  That is good, I guess.

I am trying to figure out if you can read this.

Ah well here I go with the explaining!
I am Currently:
Listening: to Ingrid Michaelson - Girls Chase Boys.  I love this song.  It is bouncy and fun.  I wish I could sing that high, but I can't so I mostly just mumble my way through it.  The other day though I had a student tell me that I look like her...or she looks like me....or what ever.
I don't see it! lol!!!

Me - I literally just took this picture.  Yes I am still in my pajamas. Yes it is 5 pm.  NO JUDGING! 


Loving.  I am loving my calendar this month!  Why? because the end of the school year is on it!  WAHHHHOOOOOOOOO!  I have had a really rough year so I am happy that it is almost done!

Thinking: I honestly have been super busy this weekend and am going to start planning for the week...after I am done with this post.  Needless to say monday may be my only really planned out day this week.  Ooops. 

Needing: a manicure.  I am going to Mexico in 10 days!  Woop Woop!  But my nails and toe nails look like garbage.  Minnesota winter is not nice to dry hands or feet!

SURPRISE:  since I was late to the party, and I have to plan I picked the person that was in the year that I was born from blogs that have already linked up!  SURPRISE Here's An Idea!  

I love all your anchor charts!  I think there are a lot of ELA teachers at my school that could use your blog for reference!  I know your blog is new so I hope you get some traffic!

Well that is about it!  Hopefully you have a super day!



  1. I am jealous of your pj day! In my currently post I talk about loving Jamberry! It's so great for doing your own manicure. Have fun on your trip!

  2. Uh TOTALLY look like Ingrid! :o)

  3. Thanks, Ingrid…oops! I mean Jameson :D
    I was really surprised by the "surprise" category!
    Glad I've found your blog!

    - Lucy


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