May SLANTbox signups are open

GOOD afternoon everyone!  I am going to keep this post pretty short and sweet!

I am so excited to be putting together my box for my partner for APRIL's SLANTbox (It is going out tomorrow.  If you haven't sent yet.  Please do so soon!).  The theme was sooooo fun and I can't wait to see what my partner thinks of it.  I am supposed to get mine today so I should have the REVEAL for April up by tomorrow. 


OK.  Here is the MAY SLANTbox THEME.

MAY I Introduce....(YOUR PARTNER).

Ok here is the deal on this one.  You want everything to be about them.  If they like pokadots, give them pokadots.  If they like yellow, give them yellow.  Here is the kicker.  You must include ONE item that is monogrammed or personalized with your partners name in some way! It could be a t-shirt, coffee mug, clipboard, desk ornament, a set of note cards what ever your heart desires - and you know they will love!

I love monograms.  I think they are just heavenly.

I also have some really super news to share with you about the May SLANTbox.  I am doing my very first partnership for SLANTbox with the one and only

Her shop is so cute!  I am absolutely in love with the personalized flag mug and clip boards:

They are so darn bright and fun and totally fit this months theme!  Also, I would love to send notes home on this notepad...but you know...with my name.

Chandra from C. Jayne Teach is offering a 10% discount to anybody who would like to get their SLANT partner a product from her store.  All you have to do is use the code: SLANTBOX in your order.  EASY!  Chandra also gave me the scoop that she has a whole new collection with lots of personalized items that are hitting the shop on May 9th!  I can not wait to see what she has come up with!

She did let me know that in order to ensure your items get personalized and shipped so that you can get it your orders will have to be in by the 12th of the month.  This way she can ensure shipping and personalization and still remain in the May shipping guidelines.   

SO that is super exciting!

HERE IS THE SIGN UP!!!!! Same rules there. You have till the 3rd of the May. You can always use the tab at the top of my blog too. PLEASE tell your friends. ALSO, EVERYONE who is involved in education is invited to join. I mean that sincerely.

IF you need some more monogram ideas I found this cute (non teacher) blog with 18 DIY monograms!
Click the picture to be blissfully whisked away.

Cheers friends,

See you around the SLANT world!


  1. Tuna!
    Hmmm that was supposed to say fun? Decided to keep it there as it's funny.

    Love the theme! I'm a sucker for the slant boxes, signed up again!
    Thanks Jameson

    Learning to be awesome

  2. This is my first time and I LOVE the theme!!! About how much does everyone spend on there boxes each month??

    1. Chandra. The minimum is 15 but you can go as much as you like. I would say that most boxes range from 15-35 From what I have seen


  3. ooh Love this theme, but man those monogrammed things are so CUTE.

  4. This will also be my first time - so the expectation is $15-35? I feel like some of the boxes seemed like it was a ton of stuff!! Just don't want to give too little or go over the top...

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi,

    Could you confirm that I have signed up for the May SLANTbox? I want to make sure I entered correctly. #newbie

    Rachel Mack


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