Currently April

Oh My DOG!  So is it really April First?  I am early happy that I do not have kids today as I have some pretty gnarly kids that would play some serious pranks on me.


If it is the first it means that it it time to link up with the fabulous Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade!  I love her.  She just seems like the type of girl I could get loud with, probably into trouble, and we would be wearing some ridiculous outfit.  Maybe some day.

I am also noticing how many of my blogger friends are in Texas.  Good luck to you this week with your big testing!  Mine is not until the end of April.  I have about 3 weeks.  YUCK no matter how you look at it.

well here we go!  Currently April edition.

Most of these need little extra descriptions. 

Listening : I am loving iTunes Radio lately.  I have been listening to the 50 Top Alternatives.  Does that make me old? Paramore - " Aint it fun" is on now and I love this song. 
Loving :  I started an IG shop.  

You can find it here: LWCsCloset or just search @lwcscloset  I have already had one sale.  I am excited to see some more.  

I am also in LOVE with my new product I made for myself.  It is Guess Who but Math edition.

Wow that picture sucks.  Sorry.  I will try to get a better one once I put the game all together.
I am really excited about that product and I think I might keep it.  I always want to participate in freebies and blog hops but I give everything away anyway.  So I might keep this one as my "prize."  Unless I decide to bite the bullet and start a TPT or TN.  I am still wavering on that one. 

Thinking: I need to go into work today and grade
Wishing: that I did not have to do the above, and my report cards would write themselves.
Needing:  It is so gross outside right now I can not handle it.  I need to get running again now that I am healthy enough (cleared for 5ks! friends.  No 26.2 this year...but I will settle for all the fun 5ks.)  Also, my two running partners: both are super preggos.  Who is going to hold me accountable!!!!  That reminds me I need to get my fitbit up and running again.
Hours:  I forgot to do the last day thing but yea.  I get to work usually about 6am.  Kids start trickling in about 6:50.  School starts at 7:15 and ends at 2:40.  I teach after school (hey 30 bones an hour...sold) so I stay till the afternoon busses leave at 4.  Looooooong Days!  Our last day got pushed out to June 10th....Stupid "COLD" days. 

There you have it.  

What are you currently up to?



  1. Those are long days! I do an after school club several days a week and I am not lying when I say I am glad to be able to leave on time come May! :) Report cards are about my least favorite thing to do. I don't even mind the grading part, just the tediousness of entering all that into the system!


  2. Wow! You have some LONG days! I feel slightly guilty knowing that you're teaching before I even arrive at school!

  3. Oh my, what long days you have! I'm not sure I could do that, but if I lived closer I would be your running partner! Good luck on those report cards.

    Renee Dooly
    Fantastic First Grade Froggies

  4. Oh Jameson, I love reading your posts! You really do have a long day! Oh, and AMEN to the nicer weather! We were 2 hours late this morning!
    Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners


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