April SLANTbox Exchange Match Ups.

The April theme and detailed rules for the exchange can be found HERE.   Please read this blog entry THOROUGHLY before you email me with any questions.  Matches are found in a link at the end of this post. (I have also emailed you the link to the email you signed up with.)

Instructions now that you are paired!
2) Below you will find a link to a Google Doc where I have created all of your matches.  Please download the file before asking questions about it.  Here are some things to know about the Google Doc:
  • There are 3 tabs.
  • The first is a list of all of the participants in alphabetical order by email.  Like I said in the email.  You are divided into bloggers and non-bloggers.  As months go on you are more than welcome to switch groups, just let me know that you have a blog when you get one!
  • The last two are the matches based on blog ownership or not.  You need to find BOTH of your matches
    • To find who you are sending to: Look for your email in the first column (It is alphabetical) and the educator you are sending to is to the right of your email.
    • To find who is sending to you: Find your email in the second column and the educator who is sending to you is to the left of your email. 

2) Once you know the emails of your partners, go back to the participant page that matches you. Search for their emails (again alphabetically) you will also find their first name, email and blog URL (if applicable).  This is how you know who to address your email too, and where to start getting to know your partner is.

3) You have until this TUESDAY APRIL 8th, 2014 (4.8.14), 11:59pm CST to contact both of your partners.  It is your responsibility to get in contact with both of them. This means the person you are sending to AND the person that is sending to you.  Please do not wait around until someone contacts you.  Be proactive.  

4. RESPOND BACK TO YOUR PARTNER!  If you do not respond back to your partner, I will count you as no longer participating and BOTH of your partners will be rematched.  You MIGHT be able to participate still, but it is unlikely this month.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  <---I have spent way to many hours rematching people. 

4) If you try to contact your partners but get no response, please respond to my original email by 11:59pm CST on WEDNESDAY the 9th and I will try to work something out with a new pairing. These will be done by FRIDAY the 10th (4.10.14) so I will not accept any emails after this time for a new pair.  Please understand that I cannot be responsible for everyone’s actions so be responsible for you own.  I have had to in the past be doing re-matches well into the month.  IF you email me saying you have not heard from your partner by Wednesday night I will refer you to this blog post.

5) Please follow this month's theme for your partner's box. Do not make up your own theme or send your partner a crazy box that has nothing to do with them.  I know sometimes themes are hard to follow, but you can do it.  I know you can. You are an educator.  You could figure out a way to make The Lorax into a PE unit if you could.

6) Get to know your partners and don't forget to send your box out by April 28!  We still have some people sending out March boxes.  That needs to be done so people do not tattle on you and call you a flake!!!!!

7) Use #SLANTboxes when you tweet, instagram or FaceBook so everyone can see the boxes you receive.  Remember if you share a picture of the box you are sending (do not spoil the surprise!  Just share pictures of the outside of your box and blur out any addresses.

8) If you are a blogger, you MUST link up with the Slant Box reveal linky party on Lessons With Coffee at the end of the month.  As it stands I do not have ANY on the March Reveal Linky :/

Now that you have read everything let me know if you have any questions.  Here is the link to see your matches!

Go get your stalk creep communication with other educators on!


  1. So excited about this!

    :) Thanks for putting it together!

    A Rocky Top Teacher

  2. I am so excited for this month. The theme is going to be so much fun. I don't have last month's box yet - it's in the mail. I will link up as soon as I have it because I am sure I will want to brag. My partner is awesome! :)
    Amanda at His and Her Hobbies

  3. Hi Jameson,

    i was just wondering if I could sign up for the Slant Box...I LOVE this idea...being new to blogging it would be a great opportunity!! Please let me know if not for April..may I can join in for May! Thanks!

    Style Closet to Classroom


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