Pinterest You Are No Longer Fun

Any one else feeling this?  I am just not into Pinterest the way I used to be.  I do not know if it is:
A) the onslaught of things I like, then find out I have to pay for. 
B) the fact that I feel I have seen EVERYTHING already! (it is a massive circle of craft and educational vomit that I have seen over and over. 
C) my creative direction is very direct as of late, I have a very clear idea of what I want to do and therefore just search for that specific thing rather than search for broad topics. 
D) my lack of funds at the moment
E) the fact that I have so much else I should be doing
F) the fact that I do not feel as though people properly give credit where credit is due.

But it just kind of sucks lately.  It no longer gives me the joy it used to.  I could sit and pin for hours, but now, 5 minutes and I am done.  It is like I have come to a new era in my own life where I would rather be the one to come up with the ideas, OR, I would rather find them from the original source and move from there, or I would rather just have a glass of wine and a conversation with a friend or my BF than look at other peoples' cool ideas.  

I am excited, as Pinterest was a HUGE time suck, but feeling nostalgic at the same time. 

Perhaps if I get married or have a baby I will fall back in love with my friend Pinterest.

Until we meet again Pinterest,  I will be having a life!



  1. Wow I honestly thought I was the only one! I haven't been on Pinterest in weeks, and I don't feel like I'm missing out! Previously, especially just before the school year started this year (February, I'm in New Zealand) I was on ALL the time!! Not sure what I'm now filling that time with, because I sure don't feel more productive!!

    The E-Z Class

    1. I often wonder what I am spending my time doing when all of a sudden it is 10:30 pm and I feel like I haven't done anything except eat! I will admit that I have used Pinterest recently for very specific things (especially when I am shopping for clothing), but to just veg out with my old friend Pinterest I have not had the urge to do!

      Cheers Erin!

  2. I used to sit on Pinterest for HOURS at a time. Now, I mostly just go on to check what my friends are pinning. I refuse to pin things that cost money and ALWAYS make sure the link takes me to the source before just pinning a picture. I think the biggest problem with Pinterest is that it makes everyone feel like they're not enough. I've never felt like such an under-achiever in my life!

    1. OH MY GOODNESS do I feel like a big fat failure sometimes too! I feel the same way about facebook and have never really gotten into it. Facebook to me is like a "look at how adorable my family is and what fun I am having on a vacation you could never afford, look at how good of a cook/crafter/builder/designer/artist my significant other is, I am getting married and you are not" kick in the face.

      I hardly go on. It is bad news for me. Not to mention my family is all over my personal Facebook and they can be a bit embarrassing. I actually had to tell my mother to stop posting comments on my little cousins pictures as she was scaring off his new girlfriend. Seriously parents+Facebook=disaster. She thew a fit when I said that I think Facebook should go back to you have to have a university email address to get an account. It was like I threatened her entire existence!


  3. I am right there with you! I haven't been on Pinterest in however long. I still come back to it for a teaching idea or two but usually it just takes me to someone TpT page instead of their blog where I could read about what they did and how it worked. I'm with you. Pinterest and I are on a break.


    1. I have a very love hate relationship with TPT. I wont say a whole lot as it has gotten me into trouble in the past. But I am kind of sick of it. I would rather see what teachers are doing with the products they make, tell me how it works in their classroom, show me how it works in their classroom and provide me with reflection for the product. THen I can make my own. So it is really frustrating to me when I see something that might work for me, then I am taken to a store where my only option is to purchase and guess how it might work, clearly if it doesn't I can't get my money back.

      I am definitely a BEG BORROW AND STEAL teacher rather than a gawk, purchase and laminate teacher.

      Ok off my podium!

      PS> Love your blog. So cute. I want to teach primary soooooo bad. 2 more years...2 more years. AND I just got my puppy a sock monkey!

  4. Lately, I have only been using it if I have something very specific I am looking for, and search for that, or recipes. Not so much for generic inspiration anymore.

    Eclectic Educating

    1. I totally agree. Today I looked up post-it parking lots, and Show What You Know posters. But I was still really only given about 5 of the same thing. I found better results when I just used google.

      I love Pinterest for recipes and outfit combinations. I have way to many clothes and forget that I can totally shop my closet. So every once and a while I will get a bug up my but to wear my yellow/blue/green/magenta/hotpink/red jeans in a new way. Here comes Pinterest to save the day.

      But as for education Ideas, I am getting much more inspiration from Instagram than anything! In fact, I think it has been about 3 weeks since I have even gone on my personal Instagram I am so amazed at what other teachers are doing on my LWC account!!! BLOWN AWAY!!!!

  5. I've been on Pinterest since the beginning, and have seen cycles like this on a lot of social media. I encourage you to take a break, but don't delete it completely from your heart. Maybe pare down your boards so that you're ONLY seeing exactly what you want to see, and use it for your specific searches. Connect with people using comments and interactions, and know that all things cycle like this!

    Best wishes!

    1. OH I know, I am not giving up on it completely but I am definitely going on a hiatus and using other forms of social media like blogs, Instagram, and tumbler. I think if Pinterest would ever take my ingenious idea (sub categories with in boards) I would go back in a heart beat! I just feel that Pinterest is becoming a huge advertising platform and I am not into that right now. I do not watch TV for similar reasons. DO not like commercials (Oh and it makes me feel as though our society is falling seriously on our faces!).

      I still use Pinterest for things like recipes and wardrobe options but I am not inspired by Pinterest any more. Which makes me a little sad face.


  6. I'm pinning less and less... I find more great ideas on blogs and I have so many pins that half the time I can't find what I want so I just end up doing a google search. It was a great time sink for getting cool ideas but now it's the same ideas over and over :) I feel like it'll cycle back around but right now I'm feeling more inspired by all the blogs I read :)

    However, it is great if you're trying to create or make something and need a quick recipe or handout... if you know what to search it's fantastic!

    Enjoy wherever life takes you,
    My Shoe String Life

    1. I completely agree! I also think that I used it a lot more in college during my teacher prep program. I had dreams of being this AMAZING kindergarten teacher where everything was perfect, and I wore super cute outfits with perfect shoes. My room was decorated to the nines (apparently I was also loaded in my dreams), and my students were all GT by the time they left my classroom. I PINNED EVERYTHING.

      Then I graduated, started teaching middle school math (not where I thought I would be at all) and life got in the way. My 37 pins on sensory tables is no longer applicable and to be perfectly honest there are not nearly as many secondary teachers, that teach like an elementary school teacher (like myself) who post their ideas out there. So I am like you, looking at Instagram and Blogs for inspiration and reflection of ideas in younger grades that I can adapt for content for my middle schoolers.

      THe reflection aspect is what I crave the most. I do not want a worksheet thrown at me to just use in my classroom, I want to know what worked about it, what didn't. What you would change for next year, add, delete, expand! To me a worksheet thrown at me is the same as a text book. And I really do not like text books.

      Ok. Wrote you a novel.

  7. Hi!
    I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Hop on over to my blog to find out how to accept! :)

    Rooting for Third Grade

  8. I feel you on this! I've definitely used Instagram so much more for inspiration this summer. The #teachersfollowteachers has been an awesome way to network (just wish there were more middle school teachers using it! :) soon, hopefully).


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