Final Cara....But it is soooooo good

Well.  I had to make a decision.  I have done the Cara Box now for 6 months.  only 2 as a Blogger.  I loved it so much I decided to take on the role of facilitator for something similar for educators.  Enter the SLANT box.  What I loved about the Cara Box was getting to know a woman with a different profession, different take on life!  What I wanted though, was someone that knew exactly what I was going through.  Kaitlyn at WIFESSIONALS, who does the Cara Box is changing things up and having only 4 a year now.  I GET IT!  Holy hannah is it tough. But for me and what I was trying to get out of it, I am not sure I can commit to the new format.  I do wish her success because it brought me great happiness.
I was really excited though for my final month that I got paired with Stephanie from Be So Happy as my sender and Amanda at Cats, Cuddling & Carrot Cake to send to.  Since I do not want to spoil anything for Amanda this post is mostly about what I got from Stephanie.

A long story happened and I ended up in the hospital on Wednesday Night.  OK.  Let me back up.  So I am sure I told you, or you found out I have Celiacs.  My condition is worsened by the fact that I ALSO have Sjogrens.  Not going to give you details...but I had a flair and had to go into the hospital to have a feeding tube put in for 2 weeks.  This is nothing new to me.  It sounds shocking but really it is not.  When I have a flair, ANYTHING I put in my tummy makes me have terrible cramps.  I am talking 356356 times worse than a period pain. So I would rather have the feeding tube, get nutrients and get back on track asap. 

This one is a little good news but a little bad news.  Because I have been having a lot of flair ups in the last year the doctor and I decided to go with a gastric (or a g-tube) rather than the Naso.  It is a button that stays on my stomach for 4-6 months and I can feed myself that way rather than having the long tube that comes out of my nose and I feed that way.  I had the nasal tube last year while working and it really freaked the kiddos out.  THis one no one knows unless I am feeding....which I clearly do not do in front of my kiddos. It is also nice because I am more mobile.  I am able to do almost everything that I do when I am eating solids. I have to sit a lot because I sometimes get light headed but...  Also just so you are not super scared or anything I can eat jello, mashed potatoes, and cream of rice by my mouth, also liquids like milk, water, juice (I am allowed 1 cup of coffee even!!!!) .  OK DOOM AND GLOOM OVER. 

So Saturday morning (yesterday) I was released and sent on my way home as everything looked OK.  I was busy finishing stuff for my classroom (since I went out of commission for 3 days, I am really far behind) and at about 8 pm, my neighbor got home so she brought over our mail. (oh.  I got to the Mayo Clinic-the pope went there!!! - which is about an hour and a half away...So Jake stayed down there too.) And low and behold my Cara Box from Stephanie had arrived! 

I know I am loved but it felt especially good to get that yesterday with everything. 

Here is what was in it:

A Michaels Gift Card, A turtle necklace, a coffee cup, nail-polish, and a toy for Angus!

Seriously Stephanie, made my freaking day!  I LOVE the little turtle necklace!  I had so much fun at that class and learned so much, that I am so excited you found something to help me remember it!  

ANd the little box it came in was TO DIE FOR!!  I love it!!!

OF Course I love the mug.  Hey when your blog is called LESSONS WITH COFFEE you better bring the coffee drinking!  Actually I have a Keureg sitting right on my desk.  The kids think it's funny but I think the secretly love the smell.  I know loads of people who do not like the taste of coffee but love the smell.    Last year I had a girl tell me it reminded her of her grandmas house, which always made her feel comfortable.  IT is crazy what your impact on others is sometimes!

I also totally dig the nail polish.  You should see my collection!!  I feel like every blogger exchange I do, I get more nail polish!  AND THAT IS TOTALLY COOL!!  IF I get seconds, I put them in my treasure box for my kiddos (They love them) I however did not have that brand of hot pink!  YOu totally nailed me (no pun intended!)

Of course angus loves his toy. 

HI LOVES THE SQUEEKERS!  ANd it is really loud!!!  We have been told to play a little tug of war with him to help get his canines loose (they are impacted) So this was perfect!

AND THE GC.  You know some people knock GC's because they are EASY.  I think if you get the right ones they are perfect.  I am a little strapped for classroom cash right now but wanted to get some cute ribbon for a project This came at the perfect time!  I was able to get the ribbon yesterday but not go over my classroom budget!  Thank you so much!

I can't wait to see if AMANDA likes her gift, and SLANT BOXES are on their way!!!  So excited!!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!!!


**Disclaimer...I am a little wiped out from everything and this post is mostly a copy paste from the thank you note I sent if it sounds broken, or the tenses change throughout the post it is because my body is tired and hurting a little bit!!!  Sorry...And thanks for understanding! <3 jamo****


  1. You're a tough cookie! Sending thoughts of positive energy your way so you can keep powering through all your work in your classroom! Love the turtle necklace and Angus' toy! How awesome!!!

    Hope you have a restful Sunday so you can have a productive week ahead of you :)

    My Shoe String Life
    Follow Me on Bloglovin'

  2. Your positive attitude is inspiring! I'll be thinking of you and wishing you good health. Stay strong!

    Read With Me ABC

  3. Thinking of you Jameson! I was hospitalized my senior of high school because of double mycoplasma pneumonia. It was an awful 16 days of everything you could imagine...including feeding tubes, which I hated! You're a strong woman! I'm so glad your Cara box came just in time for a pick me up! I mailed my SLANT box yesterday and I'm so excited to see what everyone receives! Thank you again for organizing!

    Take Care
    The Journey of a Beginning Teacher

  4. Thank you for coordinating the SLANT! I am amazed at what you are accomplishing. Hope your new feeding solution makes your life easier, hugs are being sent your way! Take care of yourself in the craziness of back to school time!

  5. Yikes, that sounds like a rough week! I''m glad that you got such awesome goodies in your box at the end of it, though! And my reveal post is FINALLY up so everyone can see the awesome stuff YOU sent to ME! :)


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