I Have Gone and Done It Again!

OK.  I have gone and done it again!  I have received a Liebster Award.  Thank goodness there is more than one button!  LOL.  Going to make this a super short one though as I have a TON to do today!

As you probably know, The Liebster Award is for blogs with less than 200 followers in order to promote that blog, show appreciation, and hopefully draw more followers. I am totally down for that.

To accept the award you have to do a few things:

(1) Link Back to the Person that Nominated You
Thanks Jessie at Mrs. Hester's Classroom
(2) Answer the Questions from your Nominator (ok!)
 1. What is your favorite thing about your job?  Definitely the super rad kids I get to work with on a daily basis.  I have spoke pretty openly about my desire to move to a k-3 classroom.  This has actually nothing to do with the fact that I teach middle school kids.  I love them - call me crazy- they are to that point where they want so desperately to prove how independent and adult they are but they are still losing baby teeth.  I can be a little more sarcastic with them, and we have a blast!  I am a total dork and they remind me of it everyday but love me for it!  I honestly with miss the ages of the kiddos when I get to move to my dream grade. 

2. What is your morning routine once you arrive at school?I arrive at school at an ungodly hour of 6:15 am.  The first thing I do is make myself a cup of coffee with my snazzy Keureg I got for Christmas last year.  I turn on my radio, computer, laptop and quick check my email.  I have to write new problems for DMR on the smartboard so I do that first thing along with changing the date on the board and our learning objective for the day.  Then I go make copies before anyone else get's to the copy room.  I check my mailbox when I am making copies.  Once my copies are done I head back to my room and get supplies into the supply bins for kids to come and get when we need them.  Check table caddies to make sure all supplies are there, and tidy up a bit. Then I go use the restroom and ask Ms. Tammy if she needs anything for her day (she is our secretary.  I made sure to make BFF with her and the Janitor!)  Finally I make a last cup of coffee for the day, grab the banana that I brought in and stand in the hallway to greet students as they come in.  Getting there so early is nice because I do all of my prep that day.  In the afternoon, I plan what I need to do in the morning but I get the heck out of there so my day is typically 6:15-2:45 tops!

3. How do you decide what to assess? Formative work I assess everyday.  I like to use exit slips and journal entries.  Typically this quick assessment is for what ever learning target is being taught that day.  For example if I want my kiddos to be able to tell what is an equation and what is a problem I might have a quick three question exit slip (I print directly onto post its.  I will post a download tomorrow) where there is a TorF, multiple choice and then a write an example of an equation.  As a PLC we come up with what are we going to work on for the week then how are we going to assess for understanding.  Our Sumative tests have been laid out for us by the district...which is nice-as I do not have to write tests-but I do not think they really show if a student understands.  That is why I am VERY keen on the formative assessment.  Sadly my district only grades on Sumative.

4. If you weren't a teacher, what would you do? Oh I ask this question A LOT and really do not have an answer for it.  Probably a dentist.  I know.  Totally off the radar.  The thing is, I might also say a writer, but I can do that while I teach.  I am pretty obsessive over dental hygiene though.  I actually have toothbrushes and toothpaste in my treasure box of goodies...and they get chosen!!!!!!  Probably is not the right adverb. I would totally be a dentist for kids. 

5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I am really keen to moving to SoCal, Colorado or Savannah right now.  The BF and I have talked about it a lot.  I am in a grad program, and he wants to see where he can go in his new job, but after I am done, and if he is going no where we might get the heck out of dodge. 

6. What is your favorite meal to cook/eat? I do not cook.  I am terrible.  I also have Celiacs so my favorite meals are hispanic food of any kind made with corn tortillas 

7. What is your favorite school supply? You have to choose one! Oh man.  Probably pens.  There are so many that I love, but my all time favorite is the basic Crystal Bic Pen.  I get super nostalgic for them, they write really smooth and for a super long time, come in load of colors and are super cheap!  THe best part about them is that you can put colored paper in the tubes or use the tube for an emergency tracheotomy if you needed too. They pretty much rule
I also like Frixion(the Japanese ones), Flair, InkJoy, Uni ball Retractable gel pens, Sharpies and Fineliners
I regularly go to this site.  The Pen Addict.   I am a junky. 

8.  What is your best tip for new teachers? ASK!  Hey it is no secret that you are new.  So do not be afraid to ask questions, ask for help, and ASK TO BE OBSERVED.  If you ask your data coach or principal to observe you more than the minimum it shows that you are able to take criticism and want to be a reflective teacher.  Do not be scared of getting feedback from the people that hired you.  Clearly they liked you enough to get hired, show them that you are willing to learn, try new things, and accept feedback.

9. How do you handle the tardy bell? What is the first thing students do? I do not tolerate it at all.  I stand in the hallway during passing time and greet each student as they come into my classroom.  When the bell rings I shut my locked door.  Students have to go to security to get a pass and immediately get a detention.  Our school is set up in wings.  So if you are a 6th grade girl, all of your classes (other than art and gym) are right next to each other.  Students do not go to their locker between classes so there is no reason that the 3 minute passing time is not doable. 98% of the time the students are lolly-gagging in the hallway and that is why they are late.  Unless you have a pass, you do not enter late to my class!

10. How many years have you been teaching? .25  hahah.  I got hired last year in the middle of my student teaching to finish out the year.  I worked one and a half trimesters.  This year will actually be my "first year" however it is nice that I got a preview!  My best friend got hired at the same school, same time, same circumstances but we did not know each other before we both got hired.  She teaches Health.  
(3) Share 11 Random Facts About Yourself 
1. I am obsessed with LEGOS I have a collection of the mini figures and will stand in the toy section of Target feeling the sealed packages as I look for characters I do not have (you get blind packages where it is a random figure).  I have also done some of the multi-thousand piece projects such as the R2D2!

2.  I absolutely hate to work out but I make myself do it every day. 

3. I went to an all women's college.  St. Catherine University. 

4. I am really tall.  5'11" flat footed.  I still wear heals, but look like a giant.
5. My puppy recently completed (and passed!!!)  Puppy Kindergarten!  His name is Angus.  He is super funny and full of character. 

6. I am in two of my friends weddings this spring.  Tess and Kirsten's
7. I love sitting outside with a blanket in the fall and drink coffee and read books.  I am currently reading the Game OF Thrones Series (book one).  Along with numerous Professional Development Books. 
8. I, also, look very young. On my first day of student teaching in middle school I got mistaken for a student by security.  Another time I was observing a fellow math teacher, sitting in the desks and taking notes. The principal came in and was looking at what students were doing and she thought I was a student.  I also get carded to be at the Mall of America on a Friday by my self....yeah you have to be 16.
9. I am currently a student at Hamline University acquiring my Master of Arts in Education - Natural Science and Environmental Education.  
10. My hair is crazy curly.  I flatten it almost everyday. 

11. The above girls (minus Meggie -who is below with me on our trip to Africa) are some of the best girls in the world.  We all graduated together from St. Kate's with Elementary Education degrees.  They helped me through everything pushed me to be the best and do the best work I could do.  Because of them I graduated Summa Cum Laude.  With out them, I would not have pushed myself to do better!
(4) Nominate Five More Blogs with Less Than 200 Followers

(5) Pose Questions to Your Nominees
1. Do you like your handwriting?
2. Are you a get to work early, or stay after school late teacher?
3. Talk for a second about one initiative that your school has adopted that you either loath or love.
4. What is one new thing (or thing if you are new) that you really want to try in your classroom this year?
5. How do you handle substitutes?
6. What is your favorite kind of candy?
7. What is the first thing you notice about people?
8.  What are you reading now and how do you like it?
9. Do you have any special talents?
10. Is there a YOUTUBE video that you always show kids (I am selfish here and going to do You Tube time everyday...I need a play list! lol)?

And DONE!  My answers are in a comment.  Because I am sure you want to know!


  1. To answer my own questions...yes I am a dork like that!
    1. Do you like your handwriting? ER....its ok. Nothing to get excited about. Although other people like it more than I do.
    2. Are you a get to work early, or stay after school late teacher? Get there early, before the copier gets jammed! Then I can leave early and enjoy some of the day. This is especially important in the winter when it gets dark at 5.
    3. Talk for a second about one initiative that your school has adopted that you either loath or love. We have split gender in our public school The idea is that boys and girls learn different so why not have them in separate classes for their core classes. Math, SS, Science and ELA are gender specific while electives are co-ed. I like it. Coming from a math and science background I am particularly interested in getting more girls involved in STEM. This is a perfect opportunity for me to showcase that you can be smart AND pretty, that STEM is not hard and it is incredibly rewarding to a bunch of young ladies.
    4. What is one new thing (or thing if you are new) that you really want to try in your classroom this year? I started them last year but did not do enough with them...ISN's I am obsessed with them and can not WAIT to teach my students to use them and how to take notes. I am excited to post about them so that I too, can become more reflective of a teacher.
    5. How do you handle substitutes? I have a folder in the office with instructions on where to find my sub binder. I like for them to have very detailed notes so the binder is where I keep that. I have a set of EMERGENCY (like I did not know I was going to be sick) lessons that are in the back. If I know I am going to be gone leave specific lessons in the front.
    6. What is your favorite kind of candy? Skittles. Hands down.
    7. What is the first thing you notice about people? Their teeth. It is a sick habit.
    8. What are you reading now and how do you like it? The Game Of Thrones book one. Yes. Multiplication is for White People. Ehhh the first 2 chapters were really good but I am having a hard time getting into the 3rd.
    9. Do you have any special talents? I have a talent for running away from talent shows, as no, I have absolutely no special talents. I am loathing opening week where we have to introduce ourselves to the students by doing something. I am double jointed and can build LEGO masterpieces pretty fast...that is it.
    10. Is there a YOUTUBE video that you always show kids (I am selfish here and going to do You Tube time everyday...I need a play list! lol)? ANY Of the People are awesome videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSv1av9oaNE

  2. Thanks for the nomination!



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